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Implementing WebShop

This implementation page shows how to build an Internet Shop based on the Websydian WebShop pattern that integrates with an existing Item Master - or Product entity modelled in Plex.

It is assumed that the reader of this implementation guide previously has implemented and deployed a Websydian application, e.g. by following the Websydian Tutorial.

Set up Model Configuration

The first step is to add the WsyShop library to your host group model. The version of WsyBase, WsySess and WsyUtil must be set to version  6.1. The level must be set to highest possible value.

Inherit from WebShop Pattern

Second, create your MyShop entity and let it inherit from the WebShop pattern:

MyShop is a ENT WebShop

This will create a WebShop entity with Shopping Cart, Category Structure, Session- and User Management, and Shop Administration.

Replace Item Entity

If the entity for Products is labelled MyProduct, the Item entity in MyShop must be replaced as follows:

MyShop replaces ENT MyShop.Data.Cart.Item
... by ENT MyProduct

The pattern entity WebShop.Data.Cart.Item is a placeholder without any attributes. In order to get Selector-functionality to work, the Product entity must inherit from this placeholder:

MyProduct is a ENT MyShop.Data.Cart.Item

Inherit from RelationalTable

The tables in MyShop must be relational tables. All WebShop entities inherit from WebShop.Abstract.DataAccess, so simply add the triple:

MyShop.Abstract.DataAccess is a ENT RelationalTable

Relate ItemLineInCart to Product Entity

The product name and price field must be made available to the Cart lines, either as real or virtual fields. This is achieved by referencing from the Cart Line entity to the Product entity. Introducing a real price field in the Cart Line entity has the advantage that the price at purchase time is preserved:


is a FLD MyApp.Fields._Type.Amount



has FLD


refers to ENT




Real Cart Line Price Field

If  a real field is used as above, the input to the function MyShop.Data.Cart.ItemLineInCart.Update. AddItemToCard must be modified to omit this real field:


dual view VW






and in this function the Action Diagram must be modified in the Edit Point  Set view data for insert with  a call to the Product SingleFetch and a cast to the ProductPriceUsedInCartLine field from the Product price field.

A Real Cart Line Price Field Must be updated

A Real Cart Line Price Field Must be updated 

Virtual Fields in Cart Line

Fields virtualized into the Cart Line entity must be dropped as key field in the view MyShop.Data.Cart. ItemLineInCart.ByCartSeqItem. Use the view editor "Edit Order By Field" dialog  to de-select the virtual fields as key fields:

Drop Virtual Fields as Key Fields for ByCartSeqItem View

Drop Virtual Fields as Key Fields for ByCartSeqItem View

This will result in key-drop definitions for each virtual field:


key TRP

ENT refers to ENT/AdminSystem.Product



Specify Correct Item Fields for Shopping Cart

By default all fields in the view ItemLineInCart.Fetch will be omitted in the "Cart Contents" page. In order to include item fields of interest, the OmitGridFields specification must be modified, excluding the fields of interest:

MyShop.Web.Ordering.Cart Contents

local view VW MyShop.Data.Cart.ItemLineInCart.Fetch


... omits ProductName

Modify Item Functionality

Item Category Structure

The Websydian WebShop pattern uses the WsyStructure pattern to model how items are structured into a hierarchy of categories. These categories are presented to the WebShop user so the user can navigate to the items of interest. 

The Node entity of WsyStructure is linked to the item entity through Data.CategoryStructure.Data.ItemRelation

By default, the contents of the ItemRelation table is provided manually through the WebShop Administrator program. This can of course also be done programmatically; refer to the Other uses section.

Specify Virtuals for ItemRelation Entity

The views of the ItemRelation entity is used to list items in the WebShop. In order to include relevant item fields in the item views, these fields must be specified as virtual fields:

MyShop.Data.CategoryStructure.Data.ItemRelation owned by ENT MyProduct
... virtual ProductName

The owned by-relation must be specified explicitly in order to define virtuals and to keep the sort order correct.

Define ItemRelation.FetchByCategoryActiveSeq View

From the view ItemRelation.FetchByCategoryActiveSeq the virtual fields must be dropped as key fields. Use the view editor "Edit Order By Field" dialog  to de-select the virtual fields as key fields. 

This will result in key-drop definitions for each virtual field:

MyShop.Data.CategoryStructure.Data. ItemRelation.FetchByCategoryActiveSeq


key TRP

ENT owned by ENT/MyProduct



Define ItemRelation.FetchByProduct View

Similar, in the view ItemRelation.FetchByProduct the virtual fields must be dropped as key fields. Again, use the view editor "Edit Order By Field" dialog  to de-select the virtual fields as key fields. 

This will result in key-drop definitions for each virtual field:

MyShop.Data.CategoryStructure.Data. ItemRelation.FetchByProduct


key TRP

ENT owned by ENT/MyProduct



Specify fields in WebShop Item List

By default all fields in the view ItemRelation.FetchByCategoryActiveSeq will be included in the "List Items" page. In order to exclude non-relevant item fields, a specification for OmitGridFields must be added, excluding the fields of interest:

MyShop.Web.Ordering.List Items



local view VW

MyShop.Data.CategoryStructure.Data.ItemRelation. FetchByCategoryActiveSeq





All fields virtualized from your Product table that you want to appear in the product list should be omitted from OmitGridFields.

Edit GUI function panels

In order to have orderly window panels, edit the panels of the following GUI functions to accommodate addition of application-specific fields:  

Calculate Amount Derivation Functions

Price fields are per definition not part of the WebShop pattern since price and price calculation naturally reside in a background ERP system. The Websydian WebShop amount calculation must be integrated with item price fields and must be integrated with existing price calculation functions.

Amount Calculation at Item Line

Amount is per default calculated as the sum of all line amounts. Each line amount is by default is calculated as Quantity multiplied with one since the WebShop pattern does not have access to the price field. The price must be supplied in your implementation as either a real or virtual field of the ItemLineInCart entity, as earlier stated.

Furthermore, the price field must be declared as input to the line amount price calculation function: 


input FLD


Furthermore, the Action Diagram of this function must be modified in the Edit Point  Before Calculate Line Amount in order to calculate the price as quantity multiplied with price:

cast Input<MyShop.Fields.ItemLineAmount>, Input<MyShop.Fields.PriceUsedInCartLine>

Application-specific Amount Calculation Modifications

Any price calculations per line must be made in the function MyShop.Fields.ItemLineAmount.CalculateAmount.

Any VAT, package and shipping price calculations must be made in the function MyShop.Fields.CartAmount.CalculateAmount.

Optionally, these functions can be replaced by existing price calculation functions from the ERP system.

Add Contact Information Fields to GenericUser

The entity GenericUser is a placeholder for contact- and shipping information. Fields for contact information must be added to GenericUser, or it can inherit from the WebShop.Abstract.Contact template entity:


is a ENT MyShop.Abstract.Contact

This will add a generic, international contact information and address structure to GenericUser.

Enter Contact Information page with WebShop.Abstract.Contact fields

Enter Contact Information page with WebShop.Abstract.Contact fields

Generate and Build

The next step is to prepare and carry out the Generate and Build process.

Specify Implementation Names

Some data and function objects should be given meaningful implementation names in order to ease application development.

Tables, Views, and Fields

Provide implementation names for all tables, views, and fields. This is an optional step.


MyShop.Data.Cart.Cart.Physical table impl name NME aCarOwnr
MyShop.Data.Cart.Cart.Fetch impl name NME aCarOV01
MyShop.Data.Cart.Cart.Update impl name NME aCarOV02
MyShop.Data.Cart.Cart.BySequenceDescending impl name NME aCarOV03

Websydian WebShop Functions

Provide implementation name for the WebShop Administrator program, the WebShop Dispatcher, and for the Page Generator functions. This is an optional step, but strongly recommended.


MyShop.GUI.AdministratorMenu.MDIParent impl name NME MyAdmin
MyShop.Web.EventDispatcher impl name NME MyDisp
MyShop.Web.Display Error Message impl name NME MyErrPag
MyShop.Web.Navigation.MenuList impl name NME MyMnuLst
MyShop.Web.Navigation.NodeList impl name NME MyNdeLst
MyShop.Web.Navigation.Shop Frame Set impl name NME MyFrmSet
MyShop.Web.Navigation.StructureFrameSet impl name NME MyStrFst 
MyShop.Web.Navigation.User Menu impl name NME MyUsrMnu
MyShop.Web.Navigation.Visitor Menu impl name NME MyVisMnu
MyShop.Web.Ordering.Cart Contents impl name NME MyCrtCnt
MyShop.Web.Ordering.Enter Contact Information impl name NME MyCntInf
MyShop.Web.Ordering.Item Details impl name NME MyItmDet
MyShop.Web.Ordering.List Items impl name NME MyItmLst
MyShop.Web.Ordering.Order Confirmation for User impl name NME MyUsrCnf
MyShop.Web.Ordering.Order Confirmation for Visitor impl name NME MyVisCnf
MyShop.Web.Ordering.Submit Payment impl name NME MyCnfOrd
MyShop.Web.UserMgt.Change Password impl name NME MyChgPwd
MyShop.Web.UserMgt.Change User Settings impl name NME MyChgUsr
MyShop.Web.UserMgt.Contact Information Changed impl name NME MyUsrChg
MyShop.Web.UserMgt.Create User impl name NME MyCrtUsr
MyShop.Web.UserMgt.New User Created impl name NME MyUsrCrt
MyShop.Web.UserMgt.Password Changed impl name NME MyPwdChg
MyShop.Web.UserMgt.User Session Ended impl name NME MySesEnd

The "Cart Contents" page generator is a multiple-input GridPageGenerator. The ProcessGrid EventHandler is used to update changes made to several grid lines. This event need to have a pertinent name:

MyShop.Web.Ordering.Cart Contents.ProcessGrid name NME Update Cart Changes

Create Executables

Create executables for the WebShop Administrator program and for the WebShop Event Dispatcher:


Executable created for WebShop Administrator Program

Specify INI-files

The INI-file of the WebShop Administrator Program must be modified in order to connect to the database. Follow the standard Plex procedures for this.

The INI-file of the WebShop Event Dispatcher must also be modified to connect to the database. Furthermore, the [HTML] section must be added so the Dispatcher can locate the document templates.

Generate and Build

Start by building the standard Websydian Packages for your platform and model configuration, including packages from WSYINTEG, WSYSESS, and WSYUSER models.

Next, all objects in the WebShop application must be generated and build, except objects scoped under Abstract and objects you have replaced in your implementation, e.g.  MyShop.Data.Cart.Item.

Generate and build objects in the following order:

Modify Document Templates

Create an HTML-subfolder to the Gen-folder. From the Generate and Build window, execute all Document Template Generator functions. 

Display Error Message Document Template Generator is executed 

Modify the generated document template with your favorite HTML editor in order to add layout to the WebShop. 

Set Up Administration Data

Finally, administration data must be specified before the WebShop application can be started. This is done in the WebShop Administrator program.

Specify Shop

A row in the Shop table specifies attributes of a Shop, most importantly the top node of the Item Category Structure as specified by the field Main Category Code.  In a standard WebShop application, there will only be one Shop instance. 

Shop table with row for single shop

With the menu entry "Data->Shop", add a row to the Shop table by pressing the "Default for Single Shop" button followed by "Apply" button. This will create a Shop row, and, if not already present, a Node row for the Main Category Code.

Specify Item Category Structure

In order to present items in the WebShop application, Item Categories Nodes must be created, organized in a hierarchy, and items must be related to Category Nodes in the bottom of the hierarchy.

Item Categories organized in tree structure

With the menu entry "Data->Categories", create Category nodes and organize them hierarchically as a tree by selecting categories in the grid to the right and using the standard BStructure buttons Standard BStructure Tree Buttons. Relate leaf Category Nodes to items by pressing the "Relate Products" button.

Deploy and Execute WebShop Application

Now the WebShop application is ready to install and execute through a browser. Follow the appropriate installation guide for your platform and Internet Server, refer to the Installation part of the Websydian documentation.